Mindful Clock
A little program to make your computer into a Bell of Mindfulness

Listen, Listen.

This wonderful sound

Brings me back to my true self 

                        Thich Nhat Hahn


Hello, my name is David Steigerwald, developer of the Mindful Clock. Whether you are new to the Mindful Clock, or a long-time user, I hope you will find the information you are looking for at this web site.

I first created the Mindful Clock in 1997, at the suggestion of Mitchell Ratner (now the leader of the Still Water Mindfullness Practice Center).  He had recently come back from Plum Village, Thich Nhat Hahn's retreat center in France, where they ring bells of mindfulness regularly to remind participants to stop, take a breath, and come back to the present moment.  Mitchell wondered if I could build a computer program that would serve as a mindfulness bell while he was working.  I thought it was a wonderful idea, and started work on it right away.

It has been available at the Washington Mindfulness Community web site since then, and at the Still Water web site since it was launched some years later.  However, people have had trouble getting hold of me when they have problems, and though I know the people at both web sites are happy to handle the messages I think it is time to give them a break.

I had set up a forum to enable people to ask questions and share solutions, but it had a problem that prevented most people from entering anything into it, including me.  So, I am working to get that fixed but have removed the page for the time being.
